Joondalup Health Campus expansion reaches milestone

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA: Joondalup Health Campus (JHC) Development Stage 2 has moved into the construction phase for its $256.7 million expansion.
The McGowan Government has accepted the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) proposal presented by Ramsay Health Care and Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd.
The project program, staging and construction methodology has been informed by various clinical experts within the hospital, as well as consumers.
As part of an early works package, Multiplex has already commenced work on the new 12-bay Influenza-Like-Illness Unit within the Emergency Department that will increase the hospital's capability to safely manage patients with infectious diseases, including COVID-19.
Construction is also well underway to expand the capacity of the staff multi-storey car park by an additional 215 parking bays.
The total cost of the expansion project is estimated at $256.7 million, of which the Commonwealth has committed $158 million under the Western Australian Hospital Infrastructure Package.
The full expansion comprises of:
- A new mental health building including 30 new acute mental health inpatient beds;
- 12 Emergency Department bays;
- 90 inpatient beds in a design to meet future demand;
- six new critical care beds;
- one new operating theatre;
- one cardiac catheterisation laboratory;
- one specialised urgent care clinic, to operate as a Behavioural Assessment Urgent Care;
- increased parking bays; and
- upgrades to associated services (including Central Energy Plant)
Now the ECI Proposal has been finalised the immediate focus is to continue to progress construction already underway, while finalising detailed design on the remaining stages ready for commencement onsite.
The project is due to be completed in early 2025.