Embedding flexibility as a cultural norm in our business and industry

We developed our Flexibility program in Australia in 2012, following research and recommendations from a group of staff charged with finding the right solution for our business.
They proposed a ‘flexible flexibility’ approach, where each team would design flexibility solutions to best meet their needs. This approach was piloted at a Sydney project and, following positive feedback and improvements in wellbeing, home life and productivity, was rolled out across our sites.
Our Flexibility program was endorsed by the Diversity Council of Australia, who recognised it as an exemplar approach to embedding organisational change in the areas of diversity and inclusion.
Today, our flexibility solutions vary from project to project with tailored site rosters including ‘flex days’ and rotating Saturdays; early/ late start and finishing times; remote working; and job redesign to accommodate different ways of working.
We track our progress through regular feedback from staff. Our most recent Australian Employee Experience Survey showed significant improvements since 2012 across a range of measures including
- 78% agreed with the statement “My work schedule allows sufficient flexibility to meet personal/family needs”. This is an improvement on results from our 2021 survey where 68% of people agreed.
- 85% agreed “I work in a team where flexibility is encouraged”, another positive shift from an already strong score of 80% favourable response in the 2021 survey.