Queen's Wharf Brisbane main works preferred contractor announced

Destination Brisbane Consortium has awarded preferred contractor status to Multiplex for the major construction works at the transformational Queen's Wharf Brisbane Integrated Resort Development.
The appointment follows a comprehensive tender process and represents a significant milestone in the delivery of the overall project where $3.6 billion will be invested into the CBD site. The works contracted are in line with the overall project budget.
Multiplex has a strong construction history in Queensland successfully delivering other substantial place making projects including Brisbane Quarter, Hilton Gold Coast and Riparian Plaza.
Destination Brisbane Consortium Project Director Simon Crooks said the contract still required finalisation and remained subject to DBC board approval and State Government endorsement and includes the integrated resort development shell and core and the iconic Sky Deck – with initial works to start within months.
"The works that Multiplex will deliver include the shell and core works covering the basement, base services, tower structures and the façade of the main integrated resort," Mr Crooks said.
"It includes the integrated resort high-rise tower shells ready for later fit-out works, the podium level nestled between the towers and the iconic Sky Deck that will sit 100 metres above street level."
"Multiplex will build five levels of basement carpark, the resort back of house facilities including kitchen, laundry, staff cafeteria, amenities and central energy plant."
"It's a massive contract that in total will include approximately 370,000m2 of floor area and 105,000m2 of energy efficient glazed façade. "
"We are confident that Multiplex will do a great job delivering what will become a major tourism drawcard to Queensland and a place this city's locals will embrace. "
"The contract is in keeping with our total project cost budget. The next step will be the public confirmation of the contract signing after the State Government has completed its review process."
Works will commence mid-2019 with construction works expected to reach George Street level in late-2020 and the first stage of the IRD ready for completion in late-2022.