Construction underway on New Maitland Hospital

Construction on the new Maitland Hospital is continuing following the final stage of the town planning approval being received for the project and the awarding of the main works construction contract to Multiplex Constructions.
Construction on the new Maitland Hospital is continuing following the final stage of the town planning approval being received for the project and the awarding of the main works construction contract to Multiplex Constructions. Town planning approval comes after months of extensive government agency and community consultation.
Main works will involve:
- Construction of the new Hospital's concrete structure, façade , entry arbour, and roof including the roof top helipad;
- New loading dock, engineering services plant rooms, internal sealed roads, on grade car parking and pathways;
- Internal fit out works, finishes and equipment installation including signage and wayfinding;
- Landscaping to external areas and courtyards;
- An upgrade of the existing Chelmsford Road / Metford Road roundabout.
The new Maitland Hospital is scheduled to open in early 2022 and will deliver a range of services and increased capability in the form of more beds and treatment spaces to better meet the changing healthcare needs of the community. The hospital will also provide emergency care, chemotherapy chairs, surgical services, critical care, maternity services, paediatric care, cardiac catherisation, inpatient beds, mental health, palliative care, outpatient clinics and dental. Car parking for patients, staff and visitors is also a key priority.
The detailed design process is drawing to a close, with over 200 working groups involved in the design of the hospital. Thank you to all of the staff and consumer representatives who have made significant contributions to the new hospital through the various consultation pathways. Working groups can be intensive and time consuming, thank you to those representatives for your commitment to this process.
This is an extremely exciting time for Maitland and the Lower Hunter region, with the project one step closer to opening to the community in early 2022.