Multiplex Completes Major Milestone at Mosman High School
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Premier global construction company Multiplex has delivered the first and major stage of Mosman High School’s major upgrade on Sydney’s Lower North Shore.
Designed by high-profile architects Woods Bagot, the upgrade has delivered 16 additional classrooms and a new multi-purpose hall and gymnasium, as well as a new library, administration area, staff facilities, and canteen. The project has also produced a number of innovative new outdoor spaces, including a rooftop sports multi-court for students.
“Multiplex is delighted to complete the first milestone of this important project for the NSW Department of Education, in time for the year’s remaining school terms and the 2023 Higher School Certificate exams. The first part of the upgrade delivers the latest in learning facilities to local students, which will support Mosman’s growing community,” said David Ghannoum, Multiplex Regional Managing Director for NSW.
“The project is being constructed while the school is fully operational, requiring meticulous planning, scheduling and coordination with the school executive to minimise disruptions to school operations.”
Importantly, the Mosman High School upgrade has generated approximately 150 jobs and helped to inspire students to consider future careers in the construction sector.
As part of delivering the project, Multiplex implemented its Jump Start program to give female students a first-hand look at what a career in construction has to offer.
“Our national Jump Start program is a very grassroots way for us to encourage more women to consider a career in construction, by showing them the diversity of roles on offer and breaking down some of the myths about our industry,” said Mr Ghannoum.
“It was started by a group of Multiplex women and it’s wonderful to see the positive effect it has had on many young women at a pivotal time of making career decisions.”
Mosman High School was one of the first schools to participate in the Jump Start pilot program at Multiplex’s One Denison project in North Sydney in 2019.
Another group of 10 year 10-12 students participated in the 2022 program run alongside the school’s upgrade.
“The program involved numerous workshops and site visits at both Mosman High School and Multiplex’s NEXTDC S3 site to illustrate the broad spectrum of roles in the industry,” said Mr. Ghannoum.
“These workshops included an in-person planning and design workshop as well as a virtual ‘Introduction to the Built Environment’ workshop. Students also attended the Multiplex Jump Start University & Careers Day, as well as a women in construction panel discussion.”
Stage Two of the Mosman High School upgrade includes the completion of the site wide landscaping which will see an increase in play space of approximately 12 percent through the introduction of a new central lawn, the extension of the hall forecourt and construction of new concrete bleachers. The landscaping will maximise the tree canopy across the site including the planting of an additional 12 trees. Multiplex is expected to complete Stage Two by the end of 2023.