Multiplex Completes Stage One of Artarmon Data Centre

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Premier global construction company Multiplex has completed Stage 1 of NEXTDC’S S3 Sydney data centre at 2 Broadcast Way, Artarmon on Sydney’s Lower North Shore.
The brand-new centre comprises a net lettable area of over 30,000 square metres, including two data halls, ancillary infrastructure, and commercial office space. Spanning eight stories, the building delivers more than 25,000 square metres of critical IT space, catering to Australia’s growing need for data infrastructure as digital transformation accelerates.
Designed by architect Greenbox, the S3 Sydney data centre stands approximately 50 metres above ground and represents NEXTDC’s third and largest facility to date, directly interconnecting to the existing S1 and S2 Sydney data centres and into NEXTDC’s national digital infrastructure network.
NEXTDC COO, Simon Cooper stated the completion of this first stage is an exciting and significant milestone and NEXTDC are looking forward to welcoming customers into this next generation data centre.
“S3 Sydney is going to set a benchmark for what customers will look for in a data centre,” said Mr Cooper.
“Our strategy is to extend the boundaries of what a data centre can provide in terms of reliability, security, innovation and connectivity, whilst keeping the design entirely centred on the needs of our customers.”
Regional Managing Director of Multiplex NSW, David Ghannoum said the significant milestone had been delivered ahead of schedule despite COVID-19 restrictions and global procurement delays.
“We are delighted to complete the first stage of NEXTDC’s S3 Sydney data centre, furthering our ongoing collaboration with NEXTDC and delivering Sydney’s newest high rise and hyperscale data centre,” said Mr. Ghannoum.
Works spanned 19 months, with an average of 350 construction workers employed on site daily throughout the build.
Multiplex implemented a post-tensioned reinforced concrete structure and incorporated a unique aluminum-clad façade. Significantly, the building will have the potential to include an electrical capacity of 120 megawatts.
The structure is predominantly a ‘hybrid’ scheme using a combination of reinforced and post-tensioned concrete and structural steel K frame for lateral bracing in lieu of the more conventional concrete shear walls, benefitting both time and cost.
Innovative construction methodologies included the use of a Structural Aptus Coupler in the precast concrete columns to streamline the construction process, as well as the implementation of a specially designed 30 tonne lifting platform to enable the installation of heavy plant such as the large 2.8 MVA Diesel fueled generators and Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supplies (RUPS) Units.
It includes a range of amenities for tenants including comfortable workspaces, collaboration zones, car parking and over 4,000 square metres of office space.
S3 Sydney is targeting Tier IV uptime certification by the Uptime Institute, a globally recognised standard for achieving 100% uptime for reliability, security and performance, ensuring fault tolerance and data protection for current and future clients. This certification emphasises exemplary levels of resilience, providing the maximum amount of redundancy for power and cooling.
Stage 2 of the data centre will involve completion of the overall structure, façade, and external civil and landscaping works along with the fit out of front house office and auditorium space all on track for delivery mid 2023.