Multiplex Canada 2023 ESG Strategy

Multiplex releases its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy for Canada
TORONTO, CANADA: Premier construction company, Multiplex Construction Canada Ltd. (Multiplex) has launched its strategy for environmental, social and governance (ESG) in 2023.
The recently unveiled strategy serves as a foundation for the company's purpose to construct a better future. Using this strategy as a guide, Multiplex intends to collaborate with industry stakeholders to bring about lasting positive change and foster a thriving future for the communities around its projects, as well as the environment.
“Under each of the ESG Strategy pillars are our focus areas and specific actions Multiplex is taking to advance our environmental, social and governance goals and commitments,” said Mark Nolan - Director, Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality
One 2023 focus area is the launch of our decarbonization roadmap which is a crucial step towards reducing our carbon emissions and tackling climate change. Our roadmap outlines a comprehensive approach to transition from fossil fuels to clean, low-carbon energy sources, and achieve our carbon reduction goals. We are committed to taking bold and decisive action to address the urgent issue of climate change and move the needle towards a sustainable built environment.
Multiplex recognizes the significant role it plays in shaping the future and the impact its projects have on communities and the environment. To ensure that the company's efforts align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each focus area of its strategy underwent a comprehensive assessment to determine its relevance to the business and identify opportunities for improvement.
"At Multiplex, we believe that sustainability and responsible business practices are not only the right thing to do, but they are also key to our long-term success," said Anya Barkan - Sustainability Manager. "Our assessment of the SDGs allows us to understand the areas where we can make the greatest impact and drive meaningful change."
By aligning with the SDGs, Multiplex demonstrates its commitment to creating a better future for all. The company will continue to work closely with industry partners and stakeholders to achieve its sustainability goals and promote sustainable development across all its operations.